
Behavioral Anchoring in Product Management

What factors affects our decisions? Are we rational? And how easy is it really to change how we perceive any given product?

I frequently seek out new podcasts within the tech/business/process sphere. My latest hit has been subscribing to the Freakonomics podcast by Levitt and Dubner. Through slightly odd topics such as parenting, family firms, suicide rates and the value of quitting, these guys has a very inspiring and thought provoking angle on economics and how we behave.

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Team role matrix

There has been a bunch of tweets in the #prodmgmt tag displaying a very enlightening matrix on team roles.
Unfortunately the creator did not include the product managers in this matrix. Here is my take on an addition, add your own if you please :-) Read more →

Gamification of agile software projects

…or smacked by the motivational carrot


Gamification is hot and is becomming increasingly interwowen into more and more contexts all around us. Probably first introduced through frequent flyer milage point programs where the points are easy to collect, but often harder to spend. But now a core part of many online content contribution systems as a mean to engage and motivate participation. And why shouldn’t it? Many tedious tasks can be made much more fun. And why shouldn’t we enjoy work as much as we possibly can? Read more →