
New books (and a little redundancy)

Yet again I’ve spent money on books. This time mr. mailman provided me with a few Java books (hopefully enabling me to keep up the pace at work). But I was mostly excited about receiving Lars Kolinds book ‘Kolindkuren’. I’ve heard a lot of good stuff about this book, so I bought another book by him also…called the ‘Second Cycle’. When I got my books I discovered that my eagerness blinded me to the fact that Kolindkuren is simply the Danish translation of the Second Cycle….so now I have to almost identical books…

Any way, 75 pages into Kolinds book, he delivers a easily digestible and comprehendible message. His points generally concur with Haeckel’s ‘The Adaptive Enterprise’, and the openness touted in Wikinomics. Eventually, when I’ve understood the full message of these books, I hope to construct a analytical framework for understanding my new workplace and the organization our firm is a part of.

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